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  • Стра́тфорд-апон-Э́йвон (англ. Stratford-upon-Avon — «Стратфорд-на-Эйвоне») — город в графстве Уорикшир в Великобритании, расположенный на реке Эйвон. Стратфорд-апон-Эйвон находится в 35 км от крупнейшего города графства и второго по величине города страны Бирмингема и в 13 км от административного центра графства Уорика. Население города в году составляло 23 человек. Стратфорд-апон-Эйвон известен как родина драматурга Уильяма Шекспира.

    Стратфорд-на-Эйвоне - исторический город в графстве Уорикшир в Великобритании, расположенный на реке Эйвон и известный тем, что здесь родился и вырос знаменитый английский драматург и поэт Уильям Шекспир. На сегодняшний день город является главным театральным центром страны, а также местом основания Королевской Шекспировской компании. Фактически, город считается одним из самых популярных туристических направлений в стране.

    Любопытно! За всю свою историю логотип компании изменялся 8 раз, при этом само название Ford никогда не исчезало с эмблемы.

    Чем знаменит Стратфорд-апон-Эйвон в графстве Уорикшир. Стратфорд-апон-Эйвон — небольшой город у реки Эйвон в Уорикшире, где родился всемирно известный драматург Уильям Шекспир. Оглавление: Как самостоятельно добраться до города.  Он окружен густой зеленью, фахверковыми домиками, а также историческим каналом. Здесь сохранилась архитектура тюдорской Англии, в том числе дом Шекспира. В Стратфорде-апон-Эйвоне есть чем заняться.



    According to a descriptive placard provided for tourists there,. Поезда отправляются из лондонских вокзалов Мэрилебоун или Юстон. Эта ежедневная прогулка по достопримечательным местам Стратфорда как раз для туристов, интересующихся экскурсиями с сопровождением гида. Literary Festival line-up revealed - Stratford Herald". Archived from the original on 29 June






    Стратфорд-на-Эйвон. ( Stratford-upon-Avon ).

    Here you will find hundreds of pages of information on: Come visit Stratford-upon-Avon and enjoy our lovely town. The RSC theatre has a very busy schedule for the Summer with programmes by Shakespeare and other authors: If you are planning to visit Stratford plan early especially during special occasions.

    For the current theatre schedule showing at the Royal Shakespeare Company RSC which has a full set of programmes throughout summer Royal Shakespeare Theatre Schedule for Summer King Lear has ruled for many years. As age overtakes him, he divides his kingdom amongst his children. Misjudging their loyalty, he finds himself stripped of the trappings of state, wealth and power that had defined him. Returning home from battle, the victorious Macbeth meets three witches on the heath. Driven by their disturbing prophecies, he sets out on the path to murder.


    The Merry Wives of Windsor: John Falstaff plans to hustle his way to a comfortable retirement by seducing the wives of two wealthy men. Set in a world very like our own, this Romeo and Juliet is about a generation of young people born into violence and ripped apart by the bitter divisions of their parents.

    The most famous story of love at first sight explodes with intense passion and an irresistible desire for change, but leads all too quickly to heartbreaking consequences. Twins Viola and Sebastian, are separated in a shipwreck and forced to fend for themselves in a strange land. The Duchess of Malfi: In an attempt to prevent the fiercely independent Duchess from marrying the man she loves, her corrupt brothers go on a disturbing quest to destroy her.


    Remarkable for its inventive and grotesque violence, yet full of dark humour, this violent revenge tragedy asks how anyone can survive in a world where masculinity has become toxic. Mrs Rich, a wealthy widow, aspires to rub shoulders with the great and good and perhaps even gain a title. Will Mrs Rich ever squeeze her way into high society?

    Joan Littlewood was the anarchic revolutionary of 20th century theatre. Born into poverty, she raged her way to have a lasting influence on British culture. Programme produced by The Royal Shakespeare Company. Think Health Robinson mixed with a Scrapheap Challenge and a hotchpotch of futurist mechanisms and then stir it all up with mind blowing creativity and ingenuity. Come and immerse yourself in an eccentric world full of wacky creations, clever design and interactive entertainment!

    New Tourist Office for Stratford-upon-Avon: They will include sales of tickets to local venues and provide an important information facility for visitors and tourists. Festivals and Events in Stratford-upon-Avon Stratford is a delightful town which can easily be walked around and explored on foot or using the hop-on, hop-off bus service operated by the Shakespeare Trust, who manage the five Shakespeare Houses in and around Stratford.


    E - enquiries quinsolve. Welcome to Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare, steeped in culture and history. Set in the beautiful rural Warwickshire countryside, on the banks of the river Avon, it is one of the most important tourist destinations in the UK. With easy road, rail and airport access, it is the perfect place for a vacation or short break.

    Facilities for conferences and smaller business venues are excellent. Come wander through these Stratford pages, get a taste of Olde England - and make your plans now. Useful Links within Stratford-upon-Avon. William Shakespeare discover more about our famous Bard.

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