Renault alpine concept car

renault alpine concept car

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  • Renault has created a concept car named Renault Alpine A, dedicated to performance and driving enjoyment. Learn more about this model!  The Renault Alpine A concept car translates the most characteristic design features of the original A in a modern and spectacular way. The carbon-fibre bodywork features a new shade of blue which refreshes and reinterprets the famous original ‘Alpine Blue’. Produced with the renowned expertise of Renault Sport Technologies, the Renault Alpine A concept car is imbued with the world of motorsport. It benefits from the experience gained from the Mégane Trophy race car by using the same technical platform. The movie with Jean Ragnotti. Exemplary road holding.

    Возрождённая компанией Renault марка Alpine вплотную подобралась к постановке на поток своего первого серийного купе новой эпохи. Представленный на специальном мероприятии в Монте-Карло прототип со среднемоторной компоновкой действительно оказался похожим на концепт Celebration года и, конечно, на патентные рисунки, попавшие в Сеть прошлым летом. Автомобиль получил имя Alpine Vision (не путаем с другим концептом Alpine Vision Gran Turismo).

    О логотипе. Логотип Renault имеет интересную историю. Во время первой мировой войны компания успешно производила легкие танки. В связи с популярностью танков компани, руководство Рено даже сменило логотип, поместив в него изображение своего танка. Но танк на эмблеме на долго не задержался, уже в 1923 году появилась известная форма алмаза Однако, это не совсем алмаз – это след от того самого танка.

    Renault Alpine Vision Concept. В Renault очень долго хранят интригу! Наконец сегодня в Монако был представлен долгожданный спортивный автомобиль Renault Alpine Vision Concept. На презентации выступал и сам Карлос Гон. Именно Монте-Карло стало местом для широкого показа публике Alpine Vision. Напомню, году родоначальник Alpine A выиграл ралли Монте-Карло, заняв сразу весь пьедестал.  На этот раз спорткар максимально близко приближен к серийной модели. Vision уже третий по счету концепт и пополнит ряды предыдущих A и Celebration. Полный размер. Полный размер.

    renault alpine concept car

    renault alpine concept car

    Serious stopping power The braking capability of the Renault Alpine A match its performance. Машина офигенно красивая… это точно рено? Ааааа дайте денег на два! At the rear, a diffuser accelerates air flow beneath the floor. Written by Baptiste Publishing Director.

    renault alpine concept car

    renault alpine concept car

    renault alpine concept car

    renault alpine concept car

    renault alpine concept car

    Renault Alpine Concept Car Wallpapers | HD Wallpapers | ID #

    The Alpine Berlinette turns 50 this year and, to mark the event, Renault has created the Renault Alpine A concept car, dedicated to performance and driving enjoyment. It was a catalyst for creativity. We were guided by our hearts and emotions. The new front-end look, with the upright, confident diamond, has been adapted for this very low and wide car.

    We wanted to put this car firmly in the modern day, while resonating with its heritage" - Laurens van den Acker, Senior VP, Corporate Design. The Renault Alpine A concept car translates the most characteristic design features of the original A in a modern and spectacular way with:. Every opening panel does so with dynamics worthy of the finest GTs, with the bonnet hinged at the front and the engine bay cover opening towards the rear.

    renault alpine concept car

    The doors feature a scissor motion. As you climb into the driving seat, the eye is drawn to the carbon-fibre sills. Everything inside this two-seater expresses build quality and sportiness, with black dominant.

    Produced with the renowned expertise of Renault Sport Technologies, the Renault Alpine A is imbued with the world of motorsport. Acclaimed by drivers in the World Series by Renault, the tubular chassis of the Renault Alpine A has been stiffened and undergone several developments.

    renault alpine concept car

    The digital design work was led by Renault Design, Koller and Etud Integral, while final assembly was carried out by Protostyle.

    The final weight distribution is almost ideal, with To facilitate servicing, the concept car features integral pneumatic jacks. Derived directly from the systems seen in endurance racing, they allow the wheels to be changed extremely quickly. The efficiency of the Renault Alpine A concept car is largely generated by ground effect.

    At the front, a splitter hidden in the bumper generates low pressure, which results in significant aerodynamic downforce. At the rear, a diffuser accelerates air flow beneath the floor.

    renault alpine concept car

    The research and design of this air flow was conducted using Computational Fluid Dynamics, a cutting-edge technology used particularly in F1. CFD involves studying movements of a fluid, or their effects, by resolving digitally the equations which govern the fluid.

    The inch wheels, with a single central nut, are specific to this car and fitted with roadhomologated Michelin tyres. The Sachs dampers can be adjusted in compression and extension, and are mounted directly onto the lower wishbones. There are numerous different set-up options: In order to improve driver feedback, driving aids like ABS, traction control, etc.

    Concept Car

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