Amc 35 renault type acgi

amc 35 renault type acgi

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  • Логотип Renault имеет интересную историю. Во время первой мировой войны компания успешно производила легкие танки. В связи с популярностью танков компани, руководство Рено даже сменило логотип, поместив в него изображение своего танка. Но танк на эмблеме на долго не задержался, уже в году появилась известная форма алмаза Однако, это не совсем алмаз – это след от того самого танка. As she brought the glass from her lips, she dropped it.

    AMC 35 (фр. Auto-mitrailleuse de Combat — «боевая гусеничная машина огневой поддержки») — французский лёгкий танк поддержки кавалерийских соединений х годов. Был создан фирмой «Рено» в — годах по заказу французской кавалерии. Из-за возросших после года требований к защищённости, которым AMC 35 уже не соответствовал, он уступил роль основного кавалерийского танка более тяжёлому S 35 и заказ на его выпуск составил лишь единиц. Серийное производство AMC 35 осуществлялось с года.

    О логотипе. Логотип Renault имеет интересную историю. Во время первой мировой войны компания успешно производила легкие танки. В связи с популярностью танков компани, руководство Рено даже сменило логотип, поместив в него изображение своего танка. Но танк на эмблеме на долго не задержался, уже в 1923 году появилась известная форма алмаза Однако, это не совсем алмаз – это след от того самого танка.

    The Renault AMC was a French cavalry tank that saw limited use during WWII.  The Belgian AMCs, also called Char Moyen de Combat Renault ACG1 Mod. , were delivered in small numbers, totaling 25, until the war broke out. Many were modified until February   The official name of this tank was: A.M.C. Renault Type ACG1 Mle in the French army and Char Moyen de Combat Renault ACG1 Mod. AMC = Automitrailleuse de Combat Renault Type ACG1 ACG1 = designation by the Renault company. Belgian ACG1’s were armed with a 47mm Belgian gun: Canon de 47mm SA FRC Mod (SA = Semi-Automatique – FRC = Fonderie Royale de Canons.) The Belgian ACG also had a different coaxial MG, i.e. the 7,65mm Mi Hotchkiss Mod

    amc 35 renault type acgi

    amc 35 renault type acgi

    Externally, the AMC followed the largely accepted and conventional tank design practices of the time. Об их судьбе и ходе эксплуатации сведений пока найти не удалось. With its Renault water-cooled 4-cylinder gasoline -fueled engine, the AMC managed a top road speed of 26 miles per hour - well below the initial 30 mile per hour requirement - and a road range of approximately miles. Notify me of new posts by email.

    amc 35 renault type acgi

    amc 35 renault type acgi

    amc 35 renault type acgi

    amc 35 renault type acgi

    amc 35 renault type acgi

    Automitrailleuse de Combat / Cavalerie Renault AMC

    In , French armor units were about to be massively equipped with infantry support light tanks, like the Renault R35 and Hotchkiss H However, the specifications of the time called for a cavalry medium tank. This meant a fast tank. Renault already had experience with the D1 and D2 medium infantry support models.

    But in , the specification was altered, now requesting a better armored and faster model. Renault then redesigned its plans around the same basis to save time, creating the AMC This was not derived from any specification, but only a new idea from Renault, after hearing many operational training reports and memorandums. Although systematic three man crews for all French tanks of the interwar were mostly dictated by demography, this was also issued by technical limitations.

    amc 35 renault type acgi

    A smaller, one man turret was easier to design and build. But political pressure, ensured by the German remilitarization of the Rhineland, plus the urgent need of the cavalry, led to its eventual acceptation. It was remotorized with a shortened version of the Renault B1 engine, an 11 liter V4 petrol engine generating bhp, which was devoid of two cylinders and made more compact.

    However, as the rear compartment was not enough, the hull was lengthened to 4. Fuel consumption was high, and provision was for only liters, enough for only km mi. This was sufficient for defensive warfare, but cavalry medium tanks were intended to exploit gaps on the battlefield, and a short push was necessary until reinforcements and supplies came.

    amc 35 renault type acgi

    The new specification also called for all-over protection against antitank gunfire, but this was based on the main 37 mm 1. This was attained with additional riveted 25 mm 0. The 47 mm 1. The suspension was a classical spring horizontal rubber cylinder system.

    Crossing capabilities were meager, with a wading capacity of 60 cm 2 ft and 2 m 6. But it was then still needed for the Maginot line, and the turret was finally equipped with the Puteaux long barrel 32 caliber SA35, replaced in production by the FRC 47 mm 1.

    The commander was on the right side of the turret, also loading, and the gunner, aiming and firing, was on the left. At that time, the original AMC 34 was in completion for trials. This delayed even more the production start for the improved AMC This medium tank was a low-priority project by the time and political turmoil made it difficult to speed the entire project, despite an official order from the cavalry, which nevertheless received its prototype in November In an order came from the Belgian government, but as production failed to materialize, political pressure prevented the Belgian cancellation of its orders by delivering batches of seven tanks for France and three for Belgium.

    amc 35 renault type acgi

    Each tank costed , francs apiece, but the turrets cost even more, preventing further orders. More delays prevented any effective delivery until mid, and the first arrived in Belgium or reserve units in France in August , on the eve of WWII. An evolved version ACG-2, equipped with a new 75 mm 2. Another vehicle was rebuilt as a smoke laying vehicle, but only a prototype was ever made. Despite the fact that many AMC 35s had been delivered and were already available in early , nothing was ready to train crews.

    So the first batches of tanks were put in reserve, waiting further orders. These came in the desperate days of May when, after the outbreak at Sedan, all reserve materials had to be shipped to the frontline.

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